About HeartStrings

Have you ever felt that heart-piercing, muscle twitching craving to do something important in your life; a feverish yearning to make a difference somewhere, somehow, for someone? This is the very reason I created "HeartStrings." I believe God has intricately designed each individual with magnificent gifts and talents. What we do with them is up to us. I, for one, am tired of keeping my passions all to myself. I feel God may be calling me to utilize my gifts in ways that can bless others. I love quilting! There. I said it. I understand that a young, active, adventurous, sport-loving gal whom also happens to love quilting, needlepoint, and knitting is probably a rare commodity. But I find these past-times to be comforting, challenging, and rewarding, and I am proud of this gift. HeartStrings is an avenue for me to share my gift with others. Perhaps I can "spread the wealth," so to speak, of this precious God-given passion in exchange for a smile on a cancer patient's face, blessing the spirit of a wounded soldier, or warming the hearts of a grieving family. I feel God is tugging at my heartstrings to do what I can-however small it may be-for the people who have given or are continually giving their all.